People&Places Mini-episodes (March 2019)
People&Places (or P&P) came to broadcast the Campus at the beginning of 2019. P&P is a YouTube channel that presents places through the people that inhabits them. Director of P&P (Palmyre Serey) has created four portraits of Campus’ members of staff. In doing so, P&P was seeking to highlight the personal experience of each person with this place, the grounds of Forges.
Article of Emeline Baudet at La Croix (2 November 2018)
Living and learning at a single pace: what ecological transition for higher education?
Vivre et apprendre d’un seul rythme: La Croix, 02/10/2018
Forges and The Energetic Transition (10 November 2018)
The Local Broadcaster Video Film Organisation made a clip about of the first “Rencontres de Forges” To see the clip, please click here.