About Our Courses

The Campus de la Transition is a place of advanced academic teaching and research. However, unlike other French higher-level institutions, our academic teaching and research take place in a milieu that is itself undergoing ecological transition: the grounds of Forges in the French department of Seine-et-Marne (Île-de-France). In this regard, the Campus has a unique pedagogical offer to those who truly want to immerse themselves in the ecological transition paradigm.

Academics, Research and Experimentation

As previously mentioned, the Campus de la Transition is itself undergoing ecological transition. In this regard, The Campus has a focus on studying environmental issues and on developing tools that facilitate the ecological and social transition in other contexts.

 As non-profit-organisation, the Campus aims to complement the academic programmes of existing and non-competing schools and institutions. Our courses can take a variety of forms. Some of them include short courses (2 days to 2 months), academic seminars, off-site courses, and research courses on the site of the Campus.

For further information about our academic offer, send us an email.

Course Content

Despite the variety of courses offered, our academic offer had a set of common characteristics. These include:

  • The Transdisciplinary nature of our teaching. In the Campus de la Transition, we do not study environmental issues in isolation. We rather study them in relation to their social, economic, philosophical, spiritual and ethical dimensions. In this regard, our courses include Transition Economics, Responsible Management; Sustainable Finance and Accounting; Law and Globalization; Environmental Humanities; Environmental Sciences Epistemology; Ecology, Philosophy, Ethics and Spirituality.
  • A holistic approach to learning. At the Campus, we have a new and fundamental approach: to use the ecology as the lenses by which the world is to be understood. In this regard, our courses aim at how an ecological hermeneutic is crucial in the understanding of the different dimensions of human life and activity.
  • Development of transition tools. As an in vivo centre for ecological transition, the Campus enables the development of an ecological transition tool and their respective implementation in various contexts and economic sectors.
  • A pedagogy of immersion. As a place of research and experimentation, the grounds of Forges have become an ideal milieu in which a new and radical way of teaching has emerged. In the Campus de la Transition, we teach by means of immersion. In other words, we expect the students to immerse themselves and to collaborate in the different aspects of the Campus. In doing so, they will enable their own personal appropriation of transition paradigm and think critically of the challenges and opportunities of implementation of the transition in their respective contexts.

Campus’ Faculty

Our senior faculty of experts includes:

Economy and Finance:

  • Gaël Giraud, PhD, Chief Economist AFD, CNRS
  • Alain Grandjean, PhD, CEO Carbon 4

Environmental Humanities:

  • Christophe Bonneuil, PhD, CNRS, EHESS

Meteorological and Environmental Sciences:

  • Marie-Antoinette Mélières: PhD, CNRS

Accounting and Management:

  • Patricia Langhor, PhD, ESSEC Business School
  • Jacques Richard, PhD, Professor Paris Dauphine

Development Economics:

  • Xavier Ricard Lanata, PhD, anthropologist, AFD
  • Isabelle Guérin, PhD, Professor,  l’Université de Paris VII and IRD


  • Raffi Duymedjian, PhD, Professor Grenoble School of Management
  • Dominique Steiler, PhD, Professor Grenoble School of Management

Law and Political Science:

  • Loic Blondiaux, PhD, Professor at  l’Université de Paris I (Panthéon Sorbonne)
  • Gilles Lhuilier, PhD, Professor at  l’nEcole Normale Supérieure, FMSH

Philosophy and ethics:

  • Dominique Bourg, PhD, Professor at  l’Université de Lyon Lausanne (Switzerland)
  • Cécile Renouard, PhD, Professor at Centre Sèvres (Jesuit Theological Faculty of Paris), ESSEC, École des Mines
  • Jean-Philippe Pierron, PhD, Professor at  l’Université de Lyon 3

Transition Pedagogy:

  • Jonathan Dawson: Head of Economics at Schumacher College (UK)


  • Patrick Caron, PhD, Professor  l’Université de LyonMontpellier, CIRAD
  • Dominique Meda: PhD, Professor at  l’Université de Lyonde Paris Dauphine

Junior Faculty Members

  • Swann Bommier, PhD, Political Science, Associate Researcher Science Po and ESSEC
  • Emeline Baudet, Doctoral student, Literature, Normale Sup & AFD
  • Pierre-Jean Cottalorda, PhD, Economics, Associate Researcher ESSEC and Campus de la Transition
  • Cécile Ezvan, PhD, Management and Philosophy, Associate Researcher ESSEC and Science Po
  • Hélène L’Huillier, PhD, Economics, ESSEC associate researcher, consultant
  • Antoine Rieu, doctoral student, socio-economics, ESSEC and University of Paris Diderot

As well as our faculty, the Campus also invites speakers that are key players and policy-makers in the promotion of ecological transition in the economic, social and public spheres.

From Transition to Personal Transformation

After their time at the Campus, we aim that our students will:

  • Understand the scientific basis of economic, ecological, environmental and demographical
  • Master new concepts, ideas and methods.
  • Experiment with situations of transition in their systemic and concrete dimension.
  • Collaborate to create solutions using multi-dimensional parameters and new performance indicators.
  • Acquire the relevant intellectual and inter-personal abilities that will enable them to implement an ecological and social transition their professional and personal contexts.
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