Training Programs

Vocational programs

The Campus de la Transition designs tailor-made training courses to help all organizations and their teams better understand the transition and adopt the methods and tools needed to transform their activities.

They trust us

Personnalité et Relations Humaines

Vivre la transition écologique avec lucidité et espoir : 5 et 6 décembre 2023

La situation écologique suscite en nous beaucoup de réactions : déni, incrédulité, colère, peurs… Ce stage vous propose de mieux comprendre ce qui se passe en vous, et de découvrir quelles sont vos ressources personnelles pour faire face à ce grand défi.

Un stage animé par PRH, école de la connaissance de soi depuis 1970.

Student training

The Campus de la Transition designs training programs for students from bachelor’s to doctorate level. The aim of these courses is to enable students to deepen their knowledge of ecological and social transition, while immersing themselves in the daily life of an eco-environment. The courses are based on an innovative teaching approach, combining in-depth intellectual input, emotional awareness and action. The courses take an inter- or even trans-disciplinary approach, and are aimed at a wide range of students (business schools, engineers, humanities and social sciences students, architecture students, etc.).


T-Campus is a 4-week continuing education program created in 2019 by the Campus de la Transition and its partners It supports individuals in taking individual and collective responsibility, in both the personal and professional spheres. The training opens up to the subjects of ecological and social transition from a:
  • systemic: thinking about the links between different types of knowledge, fields, issues and scales of action.
  • radical: getting to the root of problems.
  • non-marginal: changing the system from within institutions

Summer School Centre Energy4Climate

This Summer School organized by the interdisciplinary Energy4Climate Center and the Campus de la Transition explores the interactions between technology and the energy transition from an interdisciplinary point of view. Activities emphasize the dialog between various approaches and practices, moving beyond the opposition between techno-optimistic views and low-tech perspectives.   The 2023 Summer School took place from June 26th to July 7th. Objectives: Question the role of techniques in the energy transition, develop interdisciplinary perspectives on controversial energy issues and reflect on your role and engagement as a scientist.   To achieve these goals you will: participate in interdisciplinary debates on technologies, learn to map controversies, discuss your research with your peers and design narratives for a sustainable future.

Spécificités des formations thématiques

Séjour en résidence : en immersion dans un écolieu

Des temps de convivialité avec les habitants

Une pédagogie « tête-corps-cœur »

Une méthodologie issue du  Manuel de la Grande Transition

Des outils et espaces collaboratifs
pour maintenir le lien après la formation et intégrer le réseau des Alumni du Campus

Repartez avec un panel de compétences

Pensée systémique : comprendre les interactions entre économie, environnement et social, échelles locales, nationales, globales et penser la dynamique du système

Modèles mentaux et gouvernance : prendre conscience des différents récits et ancrages qui structurent sa vision du monde et de leur évolution

Compétences psycho-sociales/ coopération et collectif

Ethique et responsabilité : savoir identifier un dilemme moral et mobiliser des fondements philosophiques pour discerner comment accompagner/provoquer le changement

Vision partagée : identifier les impacts à long-termes à éviter/à rechercher pour éclairer les décisions de court-terme

Développer sa capacité de vie et de travail en groupe en intelligence collective

Teacher training

Numerous reports illustrate the inadequacy of teaching on ecological transition issues in higher education. In response, we design and run training courses for management teams, teacher-researchers, lecturers and teaching staff in higher education institutions. We support them in the evolution of their programs and in the transformation of their establishments.

Partnership with CY Cergy Paris University

The Campus de la Transition and CY Cergy Paris Université (CYU) have been engaged since 2020 in a long-term partnership (8 years) aimed at profoundly transforming the university and its training offer with regard to ecological and social issues.
The Campus de la Transition directly supports CYU’s central governance and management teams, as well as its faculty, teaching teams and staff, to integrate a systemic and radical consideration of ecological and social transition issues within the university and its training courses.






students targeted


students targeted

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