Our raison d'être
Only a trained society can act in the face of the urgency of current and future environmental, social and political crises.
An association under the law of 1901 founded in 2018, the Campus de la Transition offers a place for learning and experimenting environmental sustainability, we leverage thought leadership to transform collective approaches to systemic change.
Through our actions, we aim to deploy the cross-disciplinary skills that are essential for taking action to meet the ecological, economic, social and political challenges.

Formation au cœur du Campus de la Transition
We are driven by strong convictions
The ecological and climatic emergency continues to intensify, despite the repeated warnings issued by scientists for decades.
Social and planetary limits are already being exceeded, and lifestyles are adapting too slowly.
No structural change is possible without companies aligning themselves with social and ecological issues, and rethinking their business models.
The compartmentalization of student training in Higher Education is incompatible with an understanding of these challenges and the power to act on them.
Changing behaviors through training for the Social and Ecological Transition
Training to transform Higher Education
Supporting change in organizations
Inspiring young generations commitment
We support Higher Education institutions
Helping schools transform their curricula
Seminars for executive directors and staff
Training teachers in socio-ecological issues and pedagogical practices
Immersive experience for students, integrated into existing trainings
We are committed to the transition of professionals in leadership positions
Immersive trainings for executive teams
Training courses for local authorities
Individual thematic trainings for professionals
Extensive trainings for professionals
We bring the Transition to life for tomorrow's leaders
Individual thematic trainings
Discovery and contribution to the living-lab for volunteers
Experimenting with sufficiency and solidarity for interns
Raising climate justice awareness and empowering young people in working-class neighborhoods
Faire bouger les lignes par la formation à la transition écologique et sociale
Nous accompagnons les établissements de l'Enseignement Supérieur
Accompagnement des établissements pour la transformation de leurs cursus
Séminaires pour les directions et les personnels
Formations des enseignants aux enjeux socio-écologiques et aux pratiques pédagogiques
Séjours immersifs pour les étudiants, intégrés aux programmes de formations existantes
Accompagner le changement des organisations
Nous engageons la transition des professionnels en responsabilité
Séminaires immersifs pour les équipes dirigeantes
Modules de formation pour les dirigeants territoriaux
Formations thématiques pour les professionnels à titre individuel
Inspirer l'engagement des jeunes générations
Nous faisons vivre la Transition aux responsables de demain
Formations thématiques à titre individuel
Découverte et contribution à l'écolieu pour les bénévoles
Expérimentation d'un mode de vie sobre et solidaire pour les stagiaires et services civiques
Sensibilisation à l'écologie et pouvoir d'agir des jeunes des quartiers populaires
An ever-growing impact
students trained on site
Higher Education institutions reached
professionals trained
-years support project with CY Cergy Paris University
Notre méthodologie systémique et originale
La méthodologie des « 6 portes »
Un socle de compétences et de connaissances académiques
Un cheminement modulable en fonction de la problématique à analyser
Un parcours qui permet de poser des problèmes et relier des savoirs
Une pédagogie Tête-Corps-Cœur
Apprendre et développer des savoirs
Revaloriser la pratique manuelle et développer des savoir-faire
Connaître le fonctionnement et le rôle des émotions et développer des savoir-être
Une équipe dédiée

Le Campus de la Transition est une association loi 1901, créée fin 2017. Elle fonctionne grâce à une équipe engagée :
- 22 salariés
- 10 services civiques et stagiaires
- Plus de 100 bénévoles par an
Un réseau d'intervenants et d'experts

Cécile Renouard

Alain Grandjean

Valérie Masson Delmotte

Satish Kumar

Marie-Antoinette Mélières

Rob Hopkins
Une expérience immersive et transformante

Les apprentissages s’ancrent et se vivent concrètement dans un écolieu situé à 1h de Paris.
Un lieu de vie, d'accueil, de découverte, de partage et d'échanges
Un collectif de 25 habitants expérimentant une transition solidaire pour plus de sobriété
Un parc de 12 Ha pour se reconnecter à la nature, développer des savoirs et savoir-faire, apprendre autrement…
Des publications pour accompagner la transformation de l'Enseignement Supérieur

Manuel de la Grande Transition
L'ouvrage est issu d’une demande de la Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche et porté par une équipe inédite de 70 enseignants chercheurs.

Petits Manuels de la Grande Transition
Une collection de 12 manuels thématiques qui complète le Manuel de la Grande Transition en approfondissant les enjeux sociaux-écologiques par champ disciplinaire.

Rapport sur la transformation de CY Université
Transformer l’offre de formation des Université à l’aune des défis de la Transition écologique et sociale : notre méthode d'accompagnement pour transformer les établissements
A systemic and global approach
The "6 gates" methodology
A basis of academic skills and knowledge
An adjustable path according to the issue to be analyzed
A course that allows you to pose problems and link knowledge
Head-Body-Heart pedagogy
Learning and developing knowlegde
Enhance manual skills and develop know-how
Understanding how emotions work and their role, and developing interpersonal skills
A dedicated team

The Campus de la Transition is a non-profit association, under French law, founded at the end of 2017. It works thanks to a commited team :
20 employees
10 interns
More than 100 volunteers a year
A network of speakers and experts

Cécile Renouard

Alain Grandjean

Valérie Masson Delmotte

Satish Kumar

Marie-Antoinette Mélières

Rob Hopkins
An immersive and transformative experience

Learning is anchored and experienced in a concrete way in an living-lab and eco-village located 1 hour from Paris.
A place for living, welcoming, discovering, sharing and exchanging.
A collective of 25 residents experimenting with a mutually supportive transition to greater sufficiency.
A 12-hectare park to reconnect with nature, develop skills and know-how, learn in a different way...
Publications to guide the Transition in Higher Education

The Great Transition Handbook
This work was commissioned by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. It was produced by an unprecedented team of 70 teachers and researchers.

Small Handbooks of the Great Transition
A collection of 12 thematic manuals that complements the Great Transition Handbook by delving deeper into social-ecological issues at stake in each disciplinary field

Report on the CY University’s transformation
Transforming university education to meet the challenges of the Ecological and Social Transition: our support method to transform intitutions.
Values that unite us

The Campus de la Transition is rooted in a complementary ecosystem
Committed personalities are supporting us

Matthieu Auzanneau
The Shift Project – Director
« The Campus de la Transition is at the forefront of developing the skills needed to meet our climate commitments.»

Lucile Schmid
La Fabrique Écologique – Vice-president
« At the Campus de la Transition, I got a real feel for an ecology that includes nature and people, of course, but also businesses and institutions, students and researchers, and different generations. This is the most efficient approach – the only one actually.»

Laurence Tubiana
European Climate Foundation – CEO
«The Campus de la Transition brings together all those who want to rethink our world. At a time when spaces for dialogue and exchange are shrinking at an alarming rate, we need to preserve these unique places. The ideal place to reflect and debate together.»

Nathanaël Wallenhorst
UCO Education Faculty Dean
« In the space of just a few years, the Campus de la Transition has achieved the feat of becoming a benchmark (in both practical and theoretical terms) for the training of senior executives in the “Great Transition” and in the contemporary issues at stake, so that they can act to meet the challenge.»